Saturday, September 30, 2006


We went to the orthodontist on September 25th. The orthodontist states that Alyssa needs to return in 1 year to be re-evaluated. Amber, on the other hand, needs to come back in 6 months to be re-evaluated. The orthodontist also told us he feels it is important and necessary to remove 4 of Amber's baby teeth now so the adult teeth have a bigger space to come in. So Amber will be having a cuspid and a molar removed from both sides of her upper jaw on October 17th. She seems excited about the procedure right now, except she doesn't want a needle in her mouth while she is awake. I told her that they will probably use a needle while she is awake, but that they numb the entry point with some ointment. She isn't to sure about this.

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