Thursday, November 24, 2005

Our list of Thanksgiving

Alyssa –

I am thankful that God is in my heart, that I am getting the education I need, for all the teachers I have had, that I have a family, my friends, and that I have a life. I am glad that I don’t have to get a life.

Amber –

I am thankful that Jesus came to Earth to take away our sins. I am thankful for my family. I am thankful that I go to a good school and have a great teacher. I am very thankful for my dog, Angel. I am also thankful for the electricity that brings me: Nintendo, TV, hot water, air conditioning and heat, DirecTV, DVD player, Stereo, VCR, computer, and lights. I am thankful that I am growing up and getting taller. I am thankful that this century has good fashion taste. I am also thankful that I don’t have to wear glasses (at least yet). I am thankful that I am alive. I am also thankful for anything important that I may have not mentioned.

Kim –

I am thankful for God’s wonderful love and mercy. I am thankful for family. I am very thankful for our health. I am thankful that the girls and myself are all doing great in school. I am thankful for life. I am thankful for fried turkey skin!! I am thankful for everything and one. Last, but not least, I am thankful for school. (Amber helped me write my list of thanksgiving.)

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

A Little Trick and a Little Treat

The girls had a wonderful evening on Halloween. As usual, the girls picked out their own costumes. The girl's, well mainly Amber, decided I needed to dress up this year, so I practiced my "nurse" look. Amber decided that the nurse look suits me. The girls went to about 15 houses in Christopher's (their cousin) neighborhood. We attended our Church's Fall Festival, which the kids seemed to like that they had a bunch of bouncy machines for them to play in. We ate dinner at Chick-fil-A. And after all that, we still hit about 4 houses in our neighborhood for even more candy. Two of our neighbors gave the girls about 4 heaping handfuls of candy each. Boy are we going to be on a SUGAR-HIGH around here for a while.

Amber (rock star), Christopher (an Alabama fan), and Alyssa (Lady Guinevere)

Rock star, Amber, blows a kiss to her adoring fans.

Is it Lady Guinevere or is it Lady Alyssa?
(Rumor is that this young maiden adopted the name of Lady Layla for this one night.)

Juan Ponce de Leon project

Amber did a Social Studies project on Juan Ponce de Leon in October. She told me what to put on her poster and she layed it out. Amber also wrote her report. She had to write the report in cursive. Amber also had to present this project to her class with a prop. Amber took water from the "Fountain of Youth" for her class to sample. She did a great job on her project.

The other day when I stopped by Amber's class, I noticed that they all looked very youthful. I think that "Fountain of Youth" sample really worked on them.