Monday, April 10, 2006

Middle School Already?????

After much deliberation, a few weeks ago Amber started attending the 5th grade girls Sunday School class at Church. This is where she actually should be age wise. Our church prefers you to go by grade if possible. Amber expressed that she didn't feel she had very much in common with the girls in her 4th grade Sunday School class. So, I let her try the 5th grade girls class. She loved it!!!!! We have been told that you can't be in both children and student ministries, which means she has to be a 5th grader in everything or a 4th grader in everything. After talking it over with Amber, I agreed to let her promote to the 5th grade at church in everything. The children's choir director is letting her finish the year up in 4th grade so she can earn her trophy as there is less than a month remaining in this choir year.

The IMPORTANCE of this decision is that starting this summer Amber is considered a part of the student ministries. She is a middle schooler at least at church. And this means MIDDLE SCHOOL SUMMER CAMP!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!! I am not quite ready for that, but let me tell you she is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She is so excited about getting to go to camp. She will be going for 4-5 days (June 19 - 23) to Talladega, Alabama. The only family member that will be on the trip is her Uncle Ken. Her Uncle Ken is a counselor at middle school camp and teaches 6th grade boys Sunday School. Amber is only saddened by the knowledge that Christopher has promoted out of middle school camp. I know Amber will be talking everyone's ears off about camp in the near future. The girl is so excited that she has already bought her 1-pc swimsuit for camp (she hasn't been excited about buying a 1-pc swimsuit since about the age of 6).

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