Alyssa has completed 5th grade. She will be in 6th grade next year. Alyssa plans to follow in her sister's footsteps and be in the chorus also.
I have completed school. I graduated from college with a 3.6 gpa in practical nursing which is a diploma program. I will also be receiving my A.A.S. (Associates in Applied Science) in Health Studies in September 2008 with a 3.6 gpa also.
Both of the girls will be attending Middle School Summer Camp this year. Amber is not too thrilled, but Alyssa seems excited. They will be going to Horn's Creek in Tennessee again this year. Amber is excited that next summer she will get to go to High School Summer Camp with Christopher.
I have been dating a really wonderful guy named Scott for the past 6 months. He calls us his "Sweet Angels". We attend church together. Scott has an identical twin brother. The girls really seem to like Scott.

I am also now a blonde.

I'm glad to see you back in the blogger world, out of the "single-life" and passing everybody on in school (including yourself). Great job! We hope to see you all soon. Congratulations!
Wow, a lot has happened in these months since we last heard from you! Congrats on everything! :)
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