Amber also had to work on her Science project that is due on Wednesday. She has to do a report on the Solar System. This report consists of 2 papers: 1) at least 3 facts on each planet and the moon and 2) minimum of 1 page about 1 planet of your choice. Both of these papers have to be hand-written. Amber has picked Mars as her planet of choice.
We found some very cool websites while searching for facts on the planets. We found one website that tells you how much you weigh on each planet (make sure you are in the Kid's eye view) (just click on the planet and enter your weight, then hit go!)
On Earth: 116 lbs (Kim)
On the Sun: 3248 lbs
On Pluto: 9.3 lbs
On a Comet: 0.071 lbs
If I were weight conscious I would want to avoid most of the other planets and especially the Sun. We also found a website that told you how old you are and when your next birthday would be on the other planets (it's based on each of the planets years [length of orbit]). I am: 157.6 Mercurian years old and will celebrate my next birthday on March 19, 2006 on Mercury; 20.1 Martian years old and will celebrate my next birthday on August 28, 2007 on Mars; and 0.152 Plutonian years old and will celebrate my 1st birthday on October 5, 2216. We found our research to be quite fun.
Amber had a school performance at the last PTO meeting on 2/8/06. She played a drum and she sang in the chorus. She did great. I will also try to post some of the pictures for that. Both of the girls are performing in the Children's Choir musical on 2/19/06. Amber is in an ensemble plus the chior and Alyssa is in the chior. They are both excited about this performance. They are extra excited because their Dad and their Nana & Pappaw will be there to see the musical.
Happy Valentine's Day (I know it's early) to all. I need to go to bed. (It is late.)