Thursday, November 24, 2005

Our list of Thanksgiving

Alyssa –

I am thankful that God is in my heart, that I am getting the education I need, for all the teachers I have had, that I have a family, my friends, and that I have a life. I am glad that I don’t have to get a life.

Amber –

I am thankful that Jesus came to Earth to take away our sins. I am thankful for my family. I am thankful that I go to a good school and have a great teacher. I am very thankful for my dog, Angel. I am also thankful for the electricity that brings me: Nintendo, TV, hot water, air conditioning and heat, DirecTV, DVD player, Stereo, VCR, computer, and lights. I am thankful that I am growing up and getting taller. I am thankful that this century has good fashion taste. I am also thankful that I don’t have to wear glasses (at least yet). I am thankful that I am alive. I am also thankful for anything important that I may have not mentioned.

Kim –

I am thankful for God’s wonderful love and mercy. I am thankful for family. I am very thankful for our health. I am thankful that the girls and myself are all doing great in school. I am thankful for life. I am thankful for fried turkey skin!! I am thankful for everything and one. Last, but not least, I am thankful for school. (Amber helped me write my list of thanksgiving.)

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

A Little Trick and a Little Treat

The girls had a wonderful evening on Halloween. As usual, the girls picked out their own costumes. The girl's, well mainly Amber, decided I needed to dress up this year, so I practiced my "nurse" look. Amber decided that the nurse look suits me. The girls went to about 15 houses in Christopher's (their cousin) neighborhood. We attended our Church's Fall Festival, which the kids seemed to like that they had a bunch of bouncy machines for them to play in. We ate dinner at Chick-fil-A. And after all that, we still hit about 4 houses in our neighborhood for even more candy. Two of our neighbors gave the girls about 4 heaping handfuls of candy each. Boy are we going to be on a SUGAR-HIGH around here for a while.

Amber (rock star), Christopher (an Alabama fan), and Alyssa (Lady Guinevere)

Rock star, Amber, blows a kiss to her adoring fans.

Is it Lady Guinevere or is it Lady Alyssa?
(Rumor is that this young maiden adopted the name of Lady Layla for this one night.)

Juan Ponce de Leon project

Amber did a Social Studies project on Juan Ponce de Leon in October. She told me what to put on her poster and she layed it out. Amber also wrote her report. She had to write the report in cursive. Amber also had to present this project to her class with a prop. Amber took water from the "Fountain of Youth" for her class to sample. She did a great job on her project.

The other day when I stopped by Amber's class, I noticed that they all looked very youthful. I think that "Fountain of Youth" sample really worked on them.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Grades have come in...

The girls have gotten their 1st report cards for the year. They have done a great job.

Alyssa’s grades
Reading Comprehension (A)
Reading Vocabulary (A)
Reading Fluency(Year End Goal 120) 134
Spelling (A)
English/Language Arts (B)
Math Concepts (A)
Math Facts (A)
Science/Health (B)
Social Studies (A)
Teacher Comments: Alyssa made the Merit Roll (A’s & B’s)! Keep up the good work!

Amber’s grades
Reading (B)
English/Language Arts (B)
Math (A)
Science/Health (B)
Social Studies (B)
Teacher Comments: Amber’s excellent work is a reflection of her fine attitude and effort. Congratulations on always having your homework! It is a pleasure to work with such a willing child!

The girls are truly doing a great job in school! I am doing ok in school too. I made a 98 on my first math test and a 78 (C+) on my first Anatomy test. I also made a 25 (of 25) on my first speech and a 23 (of 25) on my first test in speech. I am hoping to be able to bring up my Anatomy grade with the next test.

The weather is getting cooler. The girls are looking forward to Halloween (really the CANDY!!) They are even thinking ahead to Christmas.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

The girls are doing

The girls are doing very good in school. Since Amber’s teacher does not do progress reports, I had to calculate Amber’s grades. According to my calculations Amber should be on the A-B Honor Roll. Amber has an A in Math and B’s in Science, Social Studies, Reading, and Language Arts. Alyssa also should be on the A-B Honor Roll. Her teacher sent home a progress report with 8 grade categories on it. Alyssa had a mixture of A’s and B’s. We have to wait until October 13th to get the actual grades.

Alyssa had a visit from the “Tooth Fairy” last week. The Tooth Fairy had to come 2 nights to pay. The 1st night the Tooth Fairy came, but didn’t leave any money. We shortly found the tooth on the floor. We figure the Tooth Fairy couldn’t find the tooth on the floor. The 2nd night we put the tooth on the table next to the bed. The Tooth Fairy left Alyssa a brand new $1. Alyssa was very excited that the Tooth Fairy found her tooth.

The girls are on their Fall Break from school. They are visiting their dad this week. Alyssa was very glad she lost her tooth last week so she can get an extra $1 from Nana for her tooth. Amber was excited that she got to take her dog, Angel, to her dad’s. The girls will also get to spend a lot of time with Nana and Papa this week too.

I have been in school for 1 week now. I have my 1st speech due on Tuesday, October 4th. I also have my 1st Anatomy & Physiology and College Algebra tests on Thursday, October 6th. I am always nervous about the 1st test. I always consider the 1st test the hardest because you don’t know the testing style of the professor.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

The girls are closing in on the end of their 1st grading period for the year. They are very excited about getting their report cards. They think the best thing about report cards is that they are closer to the end of school. It must be that "1 down ONLY 3 more to go" thought process. I have been tracking the girls AR (Accelerated Reading) points at home. The girls are constantly asking how many points they both have. Today Amber passed her sister in AR points. This is a VERY BIG DEAL. Alyssa has always led in points because she loves to read so much. Last year Amber only read when you made her. This year Amber has made AR a competition between Alyssa and herself. I still haven't decided if Alyssa is also treating AR as a competition. I say, "What ever works to get them reading."

I have gone to orientation for my school. I have also registered for my classes. I am taking 3 classes (which is 15 credit hours): Anatomy & Physiology I, College Algebra, and Public Speaking. Because students have to get special permission to take more than 19 credit hours I could not take a fourth class. All the classes I have to take are 5 credit hour classes. My current degree is an Associates Degree in Health Science. Once I have been accepted in to the nursing program my degree will be an Associates Degree in Nursing. I bought my books the other day for school. I only needed 3 textbooks and a school printed lab book which cost a fine penny. I still think that the books are the most expensive part of college (atleast at the junior/technical college level).

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Welcome to our blog...

Hello to All!!!

This is my first attempt to use a blog. I wanted to start a blog so that all our family and friends could keep in touch with us easier. I felt this might be an opportunity for some to get better acquainted with the girls and myself and for others to keep informed of what we are up to. I will try to post on a regular basis - although I don't know what that regular basis may be yet.

Age: 10 (10 1/2 if you ask her)
Grade: 4th
Amber is doing very well in the 4th grade. She says her teacher is very good and extremely nice, but she also has a mean side too. We decided to say the teacher is "tough, but nice". Amber is trying to prepare her sister for the "real world" which means whatever grade Amber is in. Amber enjoys her new school. Every afternoon when I pick her up from school the staff (school staff load and unload students every afternoon and morning) member loading Amber into the car comment on how heavy her backsack is because she can't get it in the car by herself. She is regularly bringing home 4-5 text books a day. Amber even has homework on Fridays now that she is in a harder grade (Amber calls it a harder grade). Amber is also doing very well on her A.R. which is Accelerated Reading (a required reading program for all students - you read books on your reading level and take comprehension tests on the books for points) and is hoping to get a lot of AR points this year. Amber is in our church's children's choir. She has auditioned for a solo part in the musical that they will be performing sometime in 2006.

Age: 8
Grade: 3rd
Alyssa is doing very well in the 3rd grade. She also says her teacher is very tough and nice, but also a little mean too. We have definitely decided that Alyssa has the toughest 3rd grade teacher. Alyssa's homework usually consists of: 2-3 sheets of math homework, spelling assignment (ABC order, write 3x's, or use in sentences), Language Arts study guide, Social Studies study guide, Science study guide, and Reading assignment. Alyssa is also doing very well on her AR points this year. She is leading her class in AR points at this time (she and another classmate keep taking turns leading the class - I think Alyssa is determined to take the lead and keep it). Alyssa has a VERY best friend named Colleen. Colleen is also in the 3rd grade and lives in our subdivision. Alyssa and Colleen play well together and sometimes Amber will play with them. Alyssa also sings in our church's children's choir. She didn't want to try out for a solo and hasn't decided for sure if she will actually perform the musical, but she really enjoys choir practice because she gets candy every week.

Age: 14 1/2 weeks
Our puppy is a dachschund mix. Her mom was a 15 lb. long hair maltese dachschund. Her dad is an unknown factor. Amber likes to think she might be part Black Lab and likes to show me Angel's webbed paws, but we are not really sure of what dad was. We are hoping she will remain to be a small-to-medium dog. She is getting to be quite brave. She has discovered how to shimmy under the gate to get out, but can't shimmy to get back in the backyard (which is where she wants to be if the garage door is not up). She can also climb ladders, but she can't climb down the ladder nor will she jump off the ladder.

Angel's Mom: Amber
Angel's Aunt: Alyssa
Angel's Nana: Kim

Age: 37 (but I like the age the girls say I am, which is 27 - sounds less depressing)
Grade: College Sophomore
I am going to school to become a nurse (for those who didn't know). I have 6 more general degree classes left and then I will only have my nursing classes to take. I will be applying to the nursing program in the beginning of 2006 for the Fall 2006 term. Only 4 of the remaining 6 classes have to be finished before I can apply to the nursing program. I actually don't start classes until September 27th. My school is on a quarter system instead of a semester system. I am actually excited about this because I feel like I can finish school a little bit faster this way. We have all settled into Winder, GA very well. We are attending a large church with a wonderful orchestra and choir every Sunday morning. The orchestra is not your run of the mill orchestra. We have trombones, trumpets, violins, drums, etc... and electric guitars and boy can they play some upbeat praise music. The Choir has over 150 members and the music is so uplifting. I haven't joined the choir yet, but I am thinking about it.